Saturday, November 22, 2014


Okay, I'm ready for a rant. All week long I listened to the GOP scream about how the President has shredded the Constitution and how he has declared himself king, just because he made an executive order concerning a bill that sat in the House but not voted on for nearly two years. And it's not that this bill didn't have support. The votes were there to pass it. It's because the votes were there to pass it, Boehner refused to schedule a vote. John McCain's reaction clinched it for me. "He should wait until the new House is seated and see what they do." Well, what the hell do you think they'll do? John Boehner is still Speaker. He held up the bill before. Do you think he might hold it up again?

Seriously though, I have a few questions. First off, just what Article or Amendment did the President break? Where is it? What does it say? Does this apply to all the violations he supposedly made with Obamacare? What are they? 

Do any of these idiots know the difference between an Article and an Amendment? Has any of these morons actually opened the Constitution since it was read before Congress opening day four years ago? Have they read it before or since? Did they understand it? Did they listen when it was read? Did they bother showing up the day it was read? 

So tell me. What Article or Amendment did the President break?

Another thing. This is a Country full of immigrants. So why are we so afraid? Are Mexican immigrants as stupid or as foul as Irish immigrants were? Or Italian? If we secure the borders, does that include our northern border with Canada? Or just the southern border with Mexico? Should we deport all 5 million illegals with family here? If so, who's going to do the icky jobs for little money that real Americans don't want? Who's going change your diapers or push your wheelchairs? 

Bengazi? Hah! These assholes spent millions of dollars investigating something they investigated eight times already only to come up with the same result. THERE WAS NO CONSPIRACY! So the real question here is, will another idiot like Darryll Issa investigate again? And will he come up with anything new? Let's not forget two things here. Number 1, the definition of insanity is repeating the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, like investigating Bengazi nine times, or calling for a vote to repeal Obamacare over 50 times. And Number 2, one in five people in this Country suffer from mental illness. In my humble opinion, a greater number than should hold seats in Congress.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Where Have All The Leaders Gone?

I have two bitches today. 

1. I have Democratic leanings and I reject a government of fear. Someone says that Barack Obama will send black helicopters in to steal all our weapons, people panic and buy more. That Ebola, which has killed one person within the United States, will wipe out our population. That we are going to be overrun by terrorists entering our Southern Border, or that the little children that crossed over during the summer are bringing disease, bugs and are the forerunner of another wave of illegal drugs, etc. (Let's not forget that the 9/11 culprits sneaked over our Northern border.) To be so afraid is a horrible way to live. 

That doesn't mean I don't believe there aren't things to fear. One of them is that I won't have enough money to live on as my working days dwindle into retirement. Another is that this country will wind up in another world war if we don't solve the problems in the Middle East. On the other hand there are people in this country who stand to earn billions on war materials while other Americans die if we go to war. 

Another thing is that when someone says something negative my fellow Democrats crumble like termite ridden wood. Now let me take a moment to give an example of that behavior. Ah, yeah, how about the election that happened yesterday? I'll start with Kentucky and Allison Lundergan Grimes. She was leading in her race against Mitch McConnell. Then someone asked her who she voted for in the last two presidential races. She proudly declared she backed Hilary Clinton, but said it was no one's business who she voted for. Her lead evaporated, and McConnell took off in the polls. 

Then again, Mary Landrieu in Louisiana tried to disengage from Barack Obama in her Senate race. She and Republican Bill Cassidy are stuck in a run off to take place in December. And there are a ton of others who followed the same tactic.

I find that behavior reprehensible. Barack Obama is not the most popular at the moment. Even so, it was under his administration that healthcare was reorganized. The Republicans say this is a bad thing and that they will repeal it at the first opportunity. Those who listen to Fox News are convinced that prices have gone up and that coverage is questionable. Those who have Obamacare, and use it, know what it is to have coverage for possibly the first time in their lives, simply because the price has gone down and the quality has gone up. What do Democratic politicians know about this? That the Republicans have found fault with it so something must be wrong. So they distanced themselves as far as they can away from Obamacare. By doing that, they've also dismissed the hunt for Bin Laden, and the reformation of Detroit, the fact that unemployment has gone down, the stock market has gone up, there has been only one death from Ebola, the rescue of Captain Phillips from Somalian pirates, etc. etc. etc.

Cowards. It shows no back bone at all, which only makes me wonder if there are any real leaders in the Democratic Party. I know there's few in the Republican Party just simply because very few dare register a differing opinion from party platform. Again, no backbone. If they can't think for themselves, then they can't govern either. 

2. I hate high definition TV. Why? Because everything is so close up you can see every little blemish. Last week I watched the season premier of Elementary. I lost track of the story because I was so involved in Lucy Liu's complexion. I've always thought of her as pretty, and then I see all her flaws. It occurred to me how many people have bad complexions. I haven't missed one pimple since.