Okay, I'm ready for a rant. All week long I listened to the GOP scream about how the President has shredded the Constitution and how he has declared himself king, just because he made an executive order concerning a bill that sat in the House but not voted on for nearly two years. And it's not that this bill didn't have support. The votes were there to pass it. It's because the votes were there to pass it, Boehner refused to schedule a vote. John McCain's reaction clinched it for me. "He should wait until the new House is seated and see what they do." Well, what the hell do you think they'll do? John Boehner is still Speaker. He held up the bill before. Do you think he might hold it up again?
Seriously though, I have a few questions. First off, just what Article or Amendment did the President break? Where is it? What does it say? Does this apply to all the violations he supposedly made with Obamacare? What are they?
Do any of these idiots know the difference between an Article and an Amendment? Has any of these morons actually opened the Constitution since it was read before Congress opening day four years ago? Have they read it before or since? Did they understand it? Did they listen when it was read? Did they bother showing up the day it was read?
So tell me. What Article or Amendment did the President break?
Another thing. This is a Country full of immigrants. So why are we so afraid? Are Mexican immigrants as stupid or as foul as Irish immigrants were? Or Italian? If we secure the borders, does that include our northern border with Canada? Or just the southern border with Mexico? Should we deport all 5 million illegals with family here? If so, who's going to do the icky jobs for little money that real Americans don't want? Who's going change your diapers or push your wheelchairs?
Bengazi? Hah! These assholes spent millions of dollars investigating something they investigated eight times already only to come up with the same result. THERE WAS NO CONSPIRACY! So the real question here is, will another idiot like Darryll Issa investigate again? And will he come up with anything new? Let's not forget two things here. Number 1, the definition of insanity is repeating the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, like investigating Bengazi nine times, or calling for a vote to repeal Obamacare over 50 times. And Number 2, one in five people in this Country suffer from mental illness. In my humble opinion, a greater number than should hold seats in Congress.